Friday, February 14, 2025

Fashion show promotes body confidence

The Organization for Women of Ethnicity is holding its annual fashion show called “Fashion Night Out.” The event will be held in the Warren Ballrooms in the Angell College Center. Tickets are just $5 for SA members and $6 for Non-SA members. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m, and the show will start at 7:00 p.m.

The Organization for Women of Ethnicity is a Plattsburgh State club that according to the PSUC Student Association website, “Dedicated to the advancement of women of color; however, we do not ignore those who fall outside of that category.” O.W.E is non-exclusive and public to any student who’s interested in joining.

“O.W.E. prides itself in discussing topics that perhaps people find too risqué to talk about. We talk about real-life issues in an uncensored way, because we want everyone who attends a meeting or joins the club to be accurately informed on these pertinent issues.” said Yesenia Reynoso, the President of O.W.E.

“This year, we are going all out. We don’t want to just provide some fun, we want to provide an experience.” Reynoso, on the fashion show. The fashion show is going to be no ordinary event. This year the club is going all out to make it exceptional.

“Some of the hottest up and coming designers from New York are previewing some of the pieces they’ve created for the summer,” said Itzell Portuondo, the Public Relations Chair for O.W.E. The organization also promotes body positivity by selecting models of all shapes and sizes, and shades to be in the show.

“The event is going to be a a fashion week themed fashion show. We wanted to focus on Paris, New York and London fashion week in particular because those are the key cities for fashion. People should attend because of the great designers that will be showcasing their designs and to see all the hard work and talent displayed.” said Marco Di Girolomo, the Secretary of O.W.E. He also said O.W.E welcomes new members with open arms to make them feel more at ease when discussing topics that are usually considered taboo.

“The meetings are very thought-provoking and hearing different opinions on such heavy topics that pertain to everyday life really make those who join see that they aren’t the only ones who feel a certain way about these topics,” Girolomo said, for anyone who might be interested in joining or attending a club meeting. The club aims to bring alertness to issues that women are currently facing in the country, such as politics and social and economic problems.

The Fashion Night Out tickets can be purchased online or at the front desk in the ACC. O.W.E also wants students to know that if you dress up for the event you could be eligible to win a prize. O.W.E also holds their meetings in the ACC every other Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. Be sure to grab your ticket for the fashion show and attend their club meetings to learn more about topics that are not usually addressed on campus.

Email Whitney Leonardo at

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