Monday, March 10, 2025

Fall’s unreasonable expectations, outcomes

By Rocco Golden

The season of fall is seen as a magical time of year. Across the weeks, almost everyone finds time to enjoy the colors, the seasonal food or even some extensive decorating for the scariest time of the year. With that being said, it seems preposterous to even think that Fall is overrated. The truth is that fall is overrated.

To most people in and around our country, the fall colors of the trees and shrubs are the poster child of the season. One place that is widely considered the best in the country for fall foliage is Vermont. 

According to The Travel, an online traveling guide website, more than 1 million people visit the state of Vermont during the month of October. That’s almost double the state’s population. Also, according to Vermont Business Magazine, visitors contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to the state in tax revenue. It is also said the Vermont economy depends on a healthy tourism industry.

The state government, along with hundreds of small businesses, depend on the fall colors and publicity for continued success. Businesses, and especially a state government, should not try to rely on a short time of the year for so much revenue. Relying on tourism too much can have consequences. If there are more lockdowns or travel bans in the future, the business from tourism goes away. Increasing prices due to inflation as well as increasing government restrictions can also take a toll on tourism. Without the actual tourism, there will not be actual revenue. 

The issue that surrounds fall foliage is that it’s overrated. Peak foliage only lasts for a week or two in most spots in Northern New York and Vermont, if that. Once it’s over, it’s over until next year. One windy day is all it takes to put those beautiful colors to rest. That is, if it isn’t raining for those two weeks.

Besides a typical sunny fall day, most of the weather is rather overcast, and what would be described as gloomy and depressing. Although October is more on the drier side compared to other months, it sure doesn’t seem like it. Being a resident of the area, this month is one of the more mediocre ones.

Another issue with the fall season is that it is too trendy. The whole season is a massive publicity stunt. Like many other holidays and times of the year, all the trendy activities and commodities are excessively marketed to consumers. It’s all about the pumpkin spice and the spooky decorations.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with business, but the extent of fall and Halloween related marketing is just plain ridiculous. To those that live in the area, and are used to the fall conditions every year, the trendy tourists are annoying to an extent. Many people come up north just for the sake of their Instagram and Facebook posts, trying to make a more appealing and attention-grabbing online footprint. Many need to learn to appreciate fall for what it’s worth, instead of performing publicity stunts for themselves.

It’s true that an abundance of fall activities are taken for granted by the average consumer or tourist. Things like fresh apples, which are without question one of the best things about fall, are not truly appreciated by people. Instead, precious times and goods’ true value are overlooked, tossed aside for that “#fall” self-esteem boost. 

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