Friday, January 17, 2025

EPIC change for risky behavior

Two Plattsburgh State organizations are collaborating to raise alcohol awareness.

The Physics Club and Engaging Peers In Change, EPIC, are coming together to talk to students and get them involved during Alcohol Awareness Week.
Alcohol Awareness Week comes to PSUC campus Oct. 19. This week is intended to inform students of the risks of binge drinking and how to stay safe while intoxicated.

That week is filled with different events on the PSUC campus, ranging from drunk goggles to handing out party-safe packs for when he or she is drunk.

“EPIC lets students take on subjects like alcohol and drugs and to bring awareness to students,” Attanasio said.

PSUC Alcohol and Other Drug Educator Janis Krug said it’s hard to get students to connect with her, so the EPIC program helps her talk and connect with them.

The main presentation between the two organizations is demonstrating the 3D printer, provided by the physics department, by making key chains.

“Having the 3D printer set up and doing demos live will be fun,” Attanasio said. “It will show a part of what we do in Physics Club.”

Physics Club President Justin Collins said the club started out doing engineering projects, such as building robots. But now, they are trying to branch out and get other majors on campus involved.

“We just sent out for the materials for the key chains,” Collins said. “Once we get those, we can start printing.”

Collins said it would take over 16 hours to print 1,000 key chains and “we will be pressing a button for a long time.”

“We really want to help get the physics club out there. They do some pretty awesome things, and we really just want to bring attention to them,” Krug said.

Krug said the overall goal for the week is to bring awareness to the use of alcohol in different situations.

For instance, making good decisions when drinking alcohol, trying to reduce risky behavior and getting resources for students who need help.

“More than 75 percent of students on campus are binge drinking, and that is dangerous,” Krug said.

The profits that will be made from the events held during alcohol awareness week will be going to Champlain Valley Family Center.

CVFC is “a community-based, non-profit agency, licensed through the New York States Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services to provide substance abuse treatment services for residents of Clinton County,” according to

Krug said since PSUC doesn’t have counseling for substance use, specifically, students are sent to CVFC when they need help with substance or drug abuse.

“We want to give back to the community, and we are also trying to lengthen the campus resources for students,” Krug said.

Email Samantha Stahl at

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