Thursday, March 6, 2025

Effective study habits to succeed

There is no specific way to do well in a college level course. When most college students think about school they imagine how much fun and independence this experience brings. Very few, however, think about the realities many students face: keeping up with assignments, not seeking academic help or simply not knowing how to effectively achieve good grades.

Getting that A in college can be difficult but it’s not impossible. It helps to seek out to professors and advisors help when in school.

Here are some tips given by professors on how to ace the semester:  Here are some tips given by professors on how to ace the semester:

Set aside time every day, and optimize the experience  by considering the environment of what has helped students focus in the past. Students should not study last minute allow time to let information process.

Collen Lemza, an associate professor in the public relations department at SUNY Plattsburgh, explained that a student’s school day should look like an 8-hour work day.

“You have to treat school like it’s your job,” Lemza said. “If you get in the habit of utilizing your time to study in between classes you will be able to implement a good habit into your daily routine.”

As easy as this may sound, going to class is important for students to have a better relationship with the professor. Some professors consider class participation points as attendance and usually that can be worth between two and five percent of overall grade. This small percentage can make or break the final grade.

“Go to class, sit up front and make sure the professor knows who you are,” Lemza said. “For one you will get more out of class and it will make a difference.”

Developing a relationship with professors would benefit students’ college career and life after college as well. Professors can help guide students through all their courses.

“Talk to your teachers,” Michelle Ouellette, an assistant professor in the public relations department at Plattsburgh State said. “Let them know if you don’t understand something because they really want to help you succeed.”      When studying, students shouldn’t overdo it. Often times students try to study in a one five hour sitting and that isn’t an effective way to study.

“If you’re having a hard time focusing because you are stressed out, take a break and do nothing,” Ouellette said. “Do not play games or do something to avoid the work, just sit there.”

According to a story published on, it states that “studying in 20-50 minute intervals and giving yourself 10 minutes in between is more beneficial than cramming all assignments in one sitting.”     Based on a 2008 study by Pamela Thacher, Associate Professor of Psychology at St. Lawrence University, all-nighters impair reasoning and memory for as long as four days. As a result, you will receive lower grades.     “Get some sleep,” Ouellette said. “Too many students deprive themselves, which affects their ability to take in new information.”

The students who do the best are not necessarily the ones with the highest IQ. They are the ones who are curious and make connections with the material. They also build systems to stay organized and focused on their work.      “I study for at least 26 hours a week,” Senior, fitness and wellness leadership major, Forrest Scott said. “I also designate time to attend at least one professor office hour a week just to build a better communication bridge with my professor.”

Email Sasha Delva at

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