Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editorial: Push through final weeks

It is safe to say most of Plattsburgh State students, staff and faculty are stuck in the end-of-the-semester funk. By now, the weight of missed work and absences have probably accumulated throughout the semester with the added threat of finals week looming in the distance.

While just one week of regular classes remains in the fall semester, let’s all breathe a sigh of relief.

It can feel impossible to muster up every ounce of drive you have left, but you are definitely not alone. It isn’t uncommon to feel drained, tired or isolated from friends and family during such a hectic time. However, it is important to analyze and overcome those nagging feelings when possible.

Contributing writer Ashleigh Choppa suggests several tips and techniques to avoid the negative feelings in her article, “Student tips on overcoming funk.”

We at Cardinal Points wholeheartedly understand the semester-end funk. The weekly printing process, tests, in-class news articles and additional homework add up fast. We sometimes overlap editing Cardinal Points stories while helping each other with outside assignments.

That extra help among friends certainly helps us keep a level head when we are each experiencing a funk. When you have friends in your corner, who probably share similar coursework or studies, it can be a lot easier to ban together to dig out of the rut.

When we have the rare downtime, we usually go our separate ways to relax and do things we enjoy individually, whether it’s working out, listening to music or being outside. Once we’re back in the newsroom, we fight the funk together, passing the time until winter break or, at the very least, the weekend.

Ban together. The semester is almost over. If you see friends struggling, help them out, have some fun and let it go. Don’t be afraid to take a break from work and breathe for a minute. We’re almost there!

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