Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editorial: Personal health discussions

Imagine you are a woman and you suddenly break your foot, sprain your wrist or pull a muscle in your back. You would probably consider seeing a doctor or, at the very least, asking a close friend or family member for home remedies to relieve pain.

So why are women, and even men, so hesitant to talk about vaginas? It’s just another crucial body part of human anatomy.

As Opinions Editor Laura Schmidt pointed out in her article “Irrational embarrassment over anatomy,” “Forty percent of women surveyed said they have ‘code names’ when referring to their vagina and 45 percent said they never talk about their vaginal health to anyone, not even their doctor.”

How are women supposed to properly take care of their health when they don’t have the confidence to talk about certain aspects with professionals?

Maybe confidence and media influence have a grasp on the problem. Pornography sets unrealistic body standards for both men and women, causing both sexes to worry about “measuring up” to others.

But the truth is, just like every other body part, vaginas are all different. No two pairs of eyes look exactly the same, so why should your lady parts be any different?

Plastic surgery has been around for a long time. And there is an enhancement for basically any and every body part. Why?

Men and women should just be proud of their bodies and all the parts that come with it. Our differences are what make us stand out as individuals.

If everyone looked exactly the same, there would be nothing special about us. You wouldn’t be able to admire your best friends crooked teeth, your sister’s long hair or your own eyes because they wouldn’t be special anymore.

Embrace your body parts, private or not. They belong to you for a reason.

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