Monday, March 10, 2025

Editorial: Girls, boys treated equally

The magazines Girl’s Life and Boy’s Life have recently gained rapid criticism on social media for the sexist and stereotypical content featured on their front covers. In the Cardinal Points article, “Magazine cover questions gender roles,” Kavita Singh pointed out the magazine covers’ main feature stories such as “Wake Up Pretty” on the girls magazine, and “Explore Your Future” on the boys magazine, were outdated.

Today’s society is all about change and progress. We are constantly being introduced to new and improved technology, services and measures of equality. Why are gender roles stagnant in this notion of “new and improved?”

Why are females bombarded with media messages related to beauty and sex appeal while men get to “think about their futures?” Why are men forced to carry a hardened exterior while holding their emotions in? When will gender roles get the “new and improved” upgrades society is so used to everywhere else?

From the day we are born, girls are wrapped in pink, while boys are swaddled in blue. Boys are typically taught to be “tough” and “strong,” while girls are merely taught to be “pretty” and “delicate.”

Differences in gender roles have made great strides in acceptance over the last several years, but there is still work to be done. Encourage your children or younger siblings to express themselves as often as possible.

Let your little brothers play dress up, let your daughters play with toy trucks in the mud, if that is what they enjoy doing. This is the stepping stone to allowing your children to follow their dreams, regardless of their gender or society’s expectations.

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