Sunday, January 12, 2025

Demand more from our leaders

In this current political climate, news of controversies is no longer a surprise.

An offensive or outlandish statement, childish behavior on social media or even straight insults directed at individuals are accepted among government officials and individual citizens alike.

President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh are the most recent and prominent examples of getting away with inappropriate behavior that shouldn’t be overlooked.

After Stormy Daniels’ defamation suit against Trump was dismissed by a federal judge on Tuesday, Trump tweeted: “Great, now I can go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer in the Great State of Texas.”

This is just the latest of ridiculous, unprofessional behavior by the man who is supposed to represent the country and lead us. Trump has used his platform as President to blatantly insult reporters, women, LGBT members, sexual assault survivors, people with disabilities, people of color, muslims, along with countless others.

And this only scratches the surface of his behavioral problems.

Kavanaugh also displayed concerning behavior on the day of his Supreme Court hearing.

Whether or not the accusations from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford are true, when comparing his actions and demeanor to hers, Ford was calm, collected and answered the questions clearly and concisely.

Kavanaugh cried, screamed, lied and was disrespectful during his hearing. Not the desired behavior of one of the most powerful judges in the country.

And this behavior doesn’t inspire the American people, or at least it shouldn’t.

As college students who are training to be professionals and experts in our respective fields, we are constantly taught about the moral, ethical and legal standards that we are supposed to be held to.

But how are we supposed to take those lessons to heart when the very people leading us and representing our nation don’t do the same and aren’t held accountable?

We need to be better.

As the future leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., it is a responsibility as individuals to be the best versions of ourselves. We need to set the example if the example hasn’t been set for us, and we need to keep holding those in powerful positions accountable.
We may not be able to control the actions of elected officials, but we can control what we do about them.

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