Monday, March 10, 2025

CWC presenting Female Orgasm Nov. 6

Center for Womyn’s Concerns is presenting a free event, The Female Orgasm, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the ACC Warren Ballrooms.

Sex educators Dorian Solot and Connor Timmons are coming to Plattsburgh State for a second time to bring a humorous, honest approach to the topic of all things female orgasm.

The Female Orgasm goes to different colleges to educate students in a way they can be comfortable discussing what can often be considered a sensitive topic.

CWC President Johanna Burgos said that when the event came to campus three years ago, there were nearly 400 people in attendance.

During the show, the presenting duo breaks the room into different gender-exclusive sections to further discuss the subject.

“I like that they break it into males and females. It makes it more comfortable where students can feel more open to asking questions in a no judgment zone,” Burgos said. “They can ask the questions they really want to know about things like the hymen, G-Spots, what an orgasm really feels like, just in case someone didn’t know or has never had one.”

New to the event this year is a third option being offered to discuss the topic. This room will be available for students who don’t want to affiliate with one specific gender. Burgos said this is so no one will feel mandated to enter either male or female.

After being in the program for about 30 minutes, the room separation allows for a safe place for the questions about masturbation, orgasms, sex or virginity that someone may be embarrassed to say out loud.

Burgos said it’s great that they speak on the woman’s orgasm because she feels that it’s not talked about enough. They do incorporate the men in the group discussing female partners and how to increase pleasure for themselves as well.

“It’s empowering for women,” Burgos said. “One of their messages is how to make women feel empowered in their sexual lives and feel like they can say no to what they don’t want, say yes to what they do want, be open about what they like and feel comfortable in their sex life so they can have a healthy sexual life with their partner.”

She said the comedy aspect to the program makes it memorable for the students. It encourages them to want to go when they know it will be open and comfortable where they can laugh and relax.

The CWC will be handing out resource sheets at the presentation with different websites they can go to, the presenter’s book and on-campus resources students can utilize.

Burgos wants the students to have fun and learn at least learn one thing when they walk away from the event.

“Whether it’s a woman saying, ‘You know what, I’ve never masturbated. I’m going to do that tonight,” or a guy being like, ‘I’m going to ask my girlfriend if she actually likes it when I do this,” she said.

She said that even if it’s a minor thing and it might seem like it’s not a big step, it is because you’re helping someone’s relationship, their communication skills and helping them feel comfortable in their skin.

If students are intrigued by the Female Orgasm program, there are number of avenues at PSUC they can seek out to become involved.

Health Outreach Coordinator Rhema Lewis and her peer educators put on different workshops dealing with topics such as consent, communication in relationships, domestic violence and safe sex.

The CWC also puts on different events similar to the Female Orgasm. Burgos encourages students who find presenters to reach out and bring them to campus.

Burgos said the program is eye-opening and hopes it will encourage students to ask questions and learn some important lessons.

“We should all become more comfortable with our sexualities and stop things like shaming women for wanting to share their pleasures,” she said. “We should accept everyone’s sexual preferences, sexuality, sexual orientation without judgment as long as everything is consensual with all partners involved.”

Email Brittany Shew at

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