Sunday, January 19, 2025

Coping with stressful situations

Stress is a response to challenges in life. People experiencing stress are more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression and obesity. There are several techniques which help people reduce stress and can easily be brought into any lifestyle and routine, according to an article from The Huffington Post. These techniques focus on relaxing your mind and your body.

One of the ways to reduce stress is to go to bed and wake up earlier. Sleep is a necessary human function because it allows the brain and the body to rest. Stress and sleep have a two-way relationship. Additionally, research has shown that most Americans would be happier, healthier and safer if they were to sleep an extra 60 to 90 minutes per night, according to American Psychological Association. Getting a good night’s sleep can help reduce the effects of stress.

“When I am stressed out, I sleep a lot,” freshman social work major Isabella Funk said. “Basically, all I do is sleep.”

Unlike other people, Funk said she does not participate in any outdoor activities, but she finds sleeping the best way to release stress.

“I got almost all of my stress from school and home stuff sometimes,” she said. “For school, I do not manage my work well, so I might have a bunch of stuff coming at one day sometimes, which stresses me out a lot.”

Also, Funk said she finds eating chocolate, hanging out with friends and watching her favorite show effective in reducing stress.

“For some people, it is really intense, and they often stress out because of their grades and keeping up with everything going on,” she said.

Funk believes learning how to manage time and being organized in college is the most important factor in order to avoid stress and anxiety.

“Try to figure out something to do to make you feel better whenever you are stressed out,” she said.

Freshman social work major Morgan Greenwood said crying is the way she deals with stress.

Crying is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation, according to an article from the The Huffington Post. A consultant clinical psychologist and visiting professor at Bournemouth University Roger Baker told the UK’s Daily Mail: “Crying is the transformation of distress into something tangible, and that the process itself helps to reduce the feeling of trauma.”

“I do not really do anything when I am stressed,” Greenwood said. “I just wait for it to pass because I think everything is going to be fine.”

Another way to deal with stress is exercising and eating healthy. Poor nutrition can make it harder for the body to adapt to stress, according to an article from The Huffington Post.

College students have to try to balance their academic work and social life, which makes it harder for them to relax. Therefore, diet and exercise are some of the key factors for living healthier and happier life.

Junior environmental science and planning management major Scott Downing said he often gets anxiety and stress from thinking about the future. Therefore, he chooses exercising in order to make him forget about everything he is stressing over, and then he can approach it differently.

“I always cope with stress by exercising, especially running,” Downing said. “It makes me forget about a certain situation that I might face later on.”

Studies show exercising and making your body stronger and healthier can enhance your ability to respond to stress, according to Healthy Women, the nation’s leading independent health information source for women.

“I believe students are overthinking sometimes, and some of them are under pressure by parents,” Downing said. “You are trying to do well with everything.”
As a result, he said he always tries not to overthink. He also mentions taking a nap as a way to reduce stress.

“As far as coping with stress, just try to exercise, eat healthy and love yourself,” Downing said. “Believing in your goal is the best way to deal with stress.””

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