Monday, March 3, 2025

Clinton’s trip through politics

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s questionable handling of classified information by her use of a private domain has brewed skepticism within the minds of some voters in America. The email scandal involving Clinton continues to plague her decent name. It’s a ditch that continues to be dug as new information is unearthed.

The controversy painted an ugly image of Clinton which has stuck with millennials who may not be aware of her past achievements.

Make no mistake, she’s no newcomer to the world of politics.

For decades, she’s been a familiar face to generations before us. She’s succeeded in becoming a presidential nominee, but how did she get here?

In 1971, Clinton began her political career when she was a college student by working on U.S. Senator Walter Mondale’s subcommittee on migrant workers. Fire years later, she later served as Jimmy Carter’s Indiana campaign director of field operations. Carter won the U.S. election and appointed Clinton to the board of directors of the Legal Services Corporation, where she was the first woman to serve as the chair of the board.

Before becoming first lady of the United States, Clinton served as first lady of Arkansas for 12 years, during which she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee and pushed for reform.

As first lady of the U.S., Clinton visited countries across the world, fought for human rights and against censorship of issues pertaining to women. At the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, she criticized China’s attempt to limit free and open discussion of women’s issues.

“Speaking more forcefully on human rights than any American dignitary has on Chinese soil, Hillary Rodham Clinton catalogued a devastating litany of abuse that has afflicted women around the world today,” New York Times columnist Patrick Tyler said.

In 1998, Clinton traveled across Africa for 12 days denouncing female genital mutilation, a gruesome tradition in some countries that can lead to disease and death.

“I want to congratulate this nation for your leadership. Not only by passing a law outlawing this practice, but by making sure this law changes hearts and minds, so that individuals understand what the law means and why it should be enforced in every village,” Clinton said to representatives of women groups in Ghana.

Moving up the ranks quickly, Clinton became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from New York. She then won her second election and was appointed U.S. Secretary of State by President Obama. She was using a private email account during this time as Secretary of State. With relations to the Benghazi attack, the State Department requested Clinton hand over her private emails back in December 2014.

Almost two years later, nearly 15,000 more emails are set to be released as soon as this October.

In an interview with ABC News, Clinton said: “That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility.”

Although her mistake provides valid reasoning for doubt amongst voters, her lengthy political background is worth considering in order to fairly assess her qualifications to be president.

It’s been a long ride, and the end result is either the promised land or the bitter taste of concession. Clinton has put together an impressive resume over the years which makes her arguably qualified to be our next president. Questions voters have about her character may be answered by her past actions.

If she’s elected, the good she’s already done for the world may foreshadow what comes next.

Email Steve Levy at

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