Sunday, October 27, 2024

CEO approved as SA club

By Olivia Bousquet

The CEO club, which stands for collegiate entrepreneurship organization, was unanimously approved to be a Student Association provisional club at the senate meeting March 2.
Vladamiere Perry spoke of the club’s success so far. Recently, the club made a trip to Norsk Titanium, which is a high deposition rate manufacturing company in Plattsburgh. While the membership meeting had roughly 35 students in attendance, it averages 18 students each meeting. There are four potential business competitions for the club to attend, along with annual summits. CEO has enough members for three to five teams to attend the competitions.
The club welcomes all majors to join. The chapter membership costs $300 annually, but Perry mentioned a grant the club received to help cover costs.
Three students were unanimously voted into new positions for the SA. Freshman Will Donlon became a voting member of the Student Association’s Clubs and Organizations Affairs Board (COAB). Donlon said he “gives freshman insight” to promoting clubs and organizations on campus. Kate Davis became the chair of the Board of Elections to fill the spot after a resignation. She was unable to attend in-person because she works Wednesday nights; however, SA President Ahmed Metwaly read a message on her behalf. Dhruv Shah became a voting member on the Legislative Review Board.
A piece of legislation was proposed by Senator Mac-Olivier LaLanne which reworked some of the current duties of members on the Legislative Review Board. However, the piece failed in the senate voting because the Board had not officially met to discuss the potential new bylaw.
In other SA news, Metwaly announced the upcoming SA election date for April 15. On the SA’s Instagram page, a breakdown of the elected roles in the association was posted. The roles up for election candidates are president, vice president, treasurer, senator, coordinator for the arts, coordinator for the academics, coordinator for the activities, coordinator for the clubs and organizations and coordinator for the student affairs and diversity.
Metwaly also hoped to plan a solidarity stand with Ukraine. However, nothing tangible was in progress at the time.
In regards to senator reports, several senators attended various club meetings and events. Senator Aysun Akhundlu met with the garden club and they discussed the need for composting on campus. She plans to keep up with their plans and help accomplish this goal. Senators Omar and Oscar Salvidar attended the SUNY Plattsburgh Association of Black Journalists (PABJ) gala Feb. 26.
Senator Lisette Linares reported the Activities Coordination Board (ACB) plans to do more giveaway events for students. Senator Belle Morley discussed the online Zoom study session for students from 6 to 11 p.m. Students were able to come in and out of the session as they pleased. Senator Carter Mosher mentioned the license plate DIY March 3 in the Angell College Center Lobby, which came back from high demand from students. Mosher also reported the need for more finance board members. Senator Mary Stockman met with the daycare center, where it requested for reports from University Police on robberies or lockdowns to keep the kids safe inside the building.
Senator Ryan Ferguson reported his resignation from the SA senate as of 9 a.m. Friday, March 4. While elected this semester for the senate, Ferguson served as a senate previously. He said his resignation has nothing to do with the Student Association, but for personal reasons he wished to keep private. Ferguson concluded the meeting with a message not as a senator, but as a member of the student body. He hoped the senate would “implore a resolution in support of Ukraine.”

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