Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Student Association

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SA signs eager students to three positions

The Plattsburgh State Student Association has many plans to improve the student body and life on campus this semester, but before the plans can be implemented, the executive board had to fill positions that were previously vacant. The SA filled...

SA commences training for new legislation

The start of a new semester at Plattsburgh State has brought about many changes to the Student Association. More than 20 new officers have been appointed, including a new president and new senators. Members of the Student Association began extensive...

Michael Kimmer to succeed Clayton

Students recently voted Michael Kimmer to succeed Kevin Clayton as president of the Student Association, and he has had a turbulent ride to the top. He will work alongside Isabella Sofia, the new executive vice president of the Student...

Pres. Clayton delivers State of SA address

Plattsburgh State Student Association President Kevin Clayton gave his State of the SA speech Monday, which summed up where the SA has gone from January to now and where they have left to go. Clayton attended the SUNY Student Assembly,...

SA vote fills positions, keeps fee mandatory

Nov. 10 signaled the 53rd legislation’s end, but it told of a new legislation, a new Constitution and the continuity of a mandatory Student Association fee. The existing 53rd legislation will see its members step down from their positions as...

Student Association approves Constitution

The Plattsburgh State Student Association Constitution has been approved by the executive council and the student Senate after multiple rounds of revision, and now the document will be presented before PSUC students on the Nov. 10 electoral ballot. Students will...

Student Association to hold annual elections

The Plattsburgh State Student Association will hold their annual election Nov. 10. In preparation, the SA will accept petitions from students who wish to run for senator, vice president, executive vice president or president. “If you want to be on the...

Student Association VP announces renovations

At last week’s Student Association executive council meeting, Vice President of Finance Jessica Rappaport announced that a $4,950,677 renovation is in the works for Clinton Dining Hall. Rappaport, as the VP of finance, sits on the College Auxiliary Services Board...

New senators join Student Association ranks

The Plattsburgh State Student Association recently welcomed two new student senators: Tierra Chess and William Hodge. This resulted from a recent special election that took place Sept. 15. Speaker of the Senate Veronica Marchello said that those who were interested in...

Student Association fills Senate position

Alexander Meseck has been hired as the Student Association Senate’s Parliamentarian. Although Meseck is a freshman, he started his college career with the 35 credits he earned in high school. “I took some courses through Clinton (Community College), some courses...
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