Wednesday, December 4, 2024


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Changing perspective promotes worldly understanding

It can often be hard to place yourself in another person’s shoes. When you’re born somewhere with healthcare options, annual doctor visits and easily-accessible vaccinations, it can seem difficult to imagine a world without those benefits. For women and men...

Independence important to personal growth

After returning to school from winter break, students are welcomed back with the same list of assignments and tasks as the previous semester. Spring break is the first chance students have to relax and let the burdens of classwork...

Women turn ideas to success

With the recent passing of National Women’s Day, and being in the midst of Women’s History Month, I’ve been feeling rather empowered as a woman lately. I began to think of all the successful women in my own life...

Learning lessons from past tragedies

The Columbine High School massacre took place April 20, 1999. Students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 of their peers and one teacher, along with injuring 23 others before taking their own lives. That day changed the lives of...

Trump diverting millennials from election

“Let’s make America great again!” is the mantra shouted by businessman Donald Trump and his supporters. For the entirety of this election season, it seems the Republican Party has been trying to distance itself from Trump. However, this has...

Criticism meant to help, not harm

I shook, and I couldn’t stop. I felt it coming, my vision became blurry with tears and my throat clogged up with barely controlled sobs. It took everything in me to not completely break down in the classroom, but...

Editorial: Feedback benefits students

Whether we like it or not, we are constantly being criticized. People can comment on what others are wearing, what they are doing or what they did for a class project. In a learning environment such as this, most professors...

Necessities outweigh petty desires

As I stare at creamy shades of lipstick, the black tubes seem to taunt me through my laptop screen, pressuring me to buy one. The problem is, the lipstick is too expensive, and I definitely shouldn’t be spending my money...

Editorial: One small step to recovery

l world, no one would be addicted to drugs. However, that is not the world we all live in. Since 2001, the number of deaths from heroin overdose has seen a staggering increase. In 2014, more than 10,000 people died...

Freshmen more politically, socially active

As I browsed Facebook the other day, status updates and articles shared about Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump flooded my news feed. I switched to Twitter and saw #FeelTheBern and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain tags everywhere. I’ve always been politically active....
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