Friday, November 29, 2024


To submit a letter to the editor, please visit submit a letter page. 

Worldly views needed when writing, speaking

The wisest people tend to be those who are always watching, learning and building. Opportunities for observation is everywhere. As a writer, I take things that are happening around the world and write about it to inform others. Before I...

Snowden’s infamous past being analyzed

On May 24, 2013, now former National Security Agency subcontractor Edward Snowden made a choice. In an email to the Washington Post, Snowden requested that the prestigious news outlet publish information about the NSA program PRISM within 72 hours, according...

Young voters influenced by celebrities

New York City officers were called to the SoHo area at 2 a.m. June 6, to disperse a crowd of hundreds of eccentrics. Standing atop parked cars, Kanye West and company advised individuals to follow him to the next...

Cardinal Points staff member reacts to column

“Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Megan Rapinoe and everyone else who has decided to kneel or sit during the National Anthem, good for you.” Sincerely, Bailey Carlin, privileged white male. I keep hearing people say “Are we really still talking about...

Letter to the editor: Misused word chance to learn about culture

I was quite surprised to see the headline on page 7 of the most recent Cardinal Points that read: “Music lovers gypped by big business”. It may not be as commonly known as other ethnic slurs, but the term...

Letter to the editor: Looking past privilege to understand issues

I happened to read the opinions article written by Emily Kim concerning athletes who don’t salute the flag during the national anthem. The article is rigged with privileged ignorance. The article’s point was that athletes should stop being bad examples...

Letter to the editor: Student encourages well-informed thoughts

It is evident from the column “NFL players sit in spotlight” that there is a major disconnect in what Black Lives Matter means. Let’s begin by defining it: the Black Lives Matter movement focuses on bringing awareness to the public...

Weigh options before job hunt

In the face of rising student debt, more college attendees take on part time jobs. Working a part time job while attending school can seem like a great idea. The right job can come with networking and the financial...

Irresponsibly coping with stressful obligations

Getting blackout drunk every weekend is like routine for a lot of college students. One drink turns into five or six, and suddenly, you realize your body is slightly buzzing, and your vision starts to fade into blurs. The...

NFL players sit in spotlight

Black lives matter. White lives matter. Blue lives matter. Every life matters. Whatever race, religion or color you are, we all live in America. We are part of a country that is lucky enough to be populated with such...
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