Saturday, March 15, 2025


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Questioning Trump’s mentality

To say President Donald Trump seems on edge would be putting things mildly. Since his win in the GOP, Trump’s mental health has been sized up far and wide. The unifying theme in most of these armchair diagnoses is...

College major does not define future

College is a place where many of us find ourselves and begin to gravitate toward a particular field of study. Those students who didn’t declare a major going into freshman year likely did so within a year or two....

PSUC stands with students

The Trump administration withdrew Obama-era protections for transgender students in public schools that let them use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, based on a CNN article. The news of President Donald Trump rescinding the protections might have startled some...

Single highlights uncertain future

Lana Del Rey released a single titled, “Love” last week with an intergalactic music video to match. Lana Del Rey’s latest album, “Honeymoon,” was released September of 2015, and this single, similarly with the rest of her music, focuses...

Infidelity exhibits selfishness

Over the past week, my Facebook feed has been blowing up with friends sharing a video titled “Broken,” along with the #HurtBae trending on Twitter. The Scene, which advertises itself as making “videos for women who get it,” published...

Low-tech guide to better political participation

No matter which political party you categorize yourself in, it’s important to recognize the amount of activism and passion that’s been occurring since the election of Donald Trump. With so much chaos going on around the world now, it...

Use resources to advantage

Studying can be challenging. Sometimes, you’re stuck reading the same sentence over and over again hoping that you will somehow retain it. People have different studying habits across the board. Some might prefer to lock themselves up in a...

Big Sean lacks depth, meaning

Big Sean’s 14-song album “I Decided” was released Feb. 5, and has already landed atop of Billboard charts. Coming off the success of his last album, “Dark Sky Paradise,” Sean could have easily attempted to recreate the winning formula...

International opportunities all around

If you’re a Plattsburgh State student looking to broaden your perspective but are unable to travel abroad, look no further than your own campus. There are nearly 350 international students enrolled at PSUC who come from more than 65...

Stress glorified throughout college students

In college, it’s natural to be competitive. However, there seems to be some unspoken competition among students to determine who can be the busiest and most stressed all the time. Students glorify the idea of always being occupied with...
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