Wednesday, March 19, 2025


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Smartphones could be future of college IDs

A new feature was added in recent updates to Apple’s iOS and watchOS operating systems, allowing schools to integrate their student identification systems with the Wallet app. The implications for convenience are clear, but I worry that convenience often...

Review: “Astroworld” vs. “Queen”

If an album sold 537,000 copies in its debut week on the charts, it must have done something right. “ASTROWORLD,” rapper Travis Scott’s third album, did exactly that following its Aug. 3 release. Scott, 26, whose real name is Jacques...

Moving forward from spring 2018

The fall semester has welcomed Plattsburgh State students with a number of changes, both big and small, around campus. However, has the PSUC administration made the necessary changes demanded by the student body during their protests last semester? As a...

Food on campus: yum or yuck?

Let’s be honest, our on-campus food sucks. Since living off campus, I’ve been able to establish much healthier eating habits because I’m finally not restricted to just on-campus dining services. At Plattsburgh State, freshmen are required to eat on campus...

Dressing for the job you want

Every college student has been there — waking up at 8:55 a.m. for a 9 a.m. class, throwing on sweats and a baggy T-shirt and walking out the door. Clothing says a lot about a person, and unfortunately for...

How to de-stress during finals week

As the semester comes to an end and finals begin, we often stress ourselves out with studying and cramming a semester’s worth of work into one night. Finals week can be a tough time for some students, but there...

Another semester gone

Another finals week approaching and another semester gone. This time, though, it feels different. It’s likely been years since Plattsburgh State has seen a period quite as draining as this spring semester has been. A time marked by protest, anger, budget cuts...

Being called “intimidating”

What is it like to be an “intimidating woman?” What is an “intimidating woman” made of? Well, being an intimidating woman is not really that easy, at least in my opinion. It is hard to actually intimidate someone. When a woman...

Task force aims to bring change

In the wake of the racist Snapchat incident this past February, many solutions on how to move forward have been proposed by students, professors, administrators and the Plattsburgh State community as a whole. One of the most tangible steps taken...

Infinity War bucks Marvel trends

They went for it, by God did they go for it. Walking out of “Avengers: Infinity War,” one thing is for certain; you will not wonder if Marvel Studios pulled any punches. Ten years, 19 Marvel movies and six years of...
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