Friday, March 14, 2025


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Editorial: Dressing up with caution

Cultural appropriation not only insults a particular race, religion or orientation, it also makes you look ignorant. There are thousands of halloween costume ideas out there. Why would you want to pick one that offends people? Millennials seem to be...

Editorial: Trump’s revolting remarks

Prior to this week’s presidential debate, footage of Donald Trump surfaced in the media. In the 2005 files obtained by The Washington Post, Trump is heard speaking with TV host Billy Bush, stating that his fame allows him to...

Editorial: Girls, boys treated equally

The magazines Girl’s Life and Boy’s Life have recently gained rapid criticism on social media for the sexist and stereotypical content featured on their front covers. In the Cardinal Points article, “Magazine cover questions gender roles,” Kavita Singh pointed...

Editorial: Debate involvement needed

The 2016 presidential election gives the majority of students their first chance to vote and have our voices heard. No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, it is important to stay informed to make the...

Editorial: Exercising right to sit down

One of the greatest perks of living in America is the practice of the first amendment. It provides citizens with multiple opportunities to make changes and air grievances they may have with our government or society as a whole. “Congress...

Editorial: Simple solutions to stress

With the third week of school wrapping up, students have begun to get into a daily routine. Hopefully, they can attend their classes and have enough time to complete assignments while still having time to hang out with friends...

Editorial: Dig deeper for whole story

With so many technological advancements and every media application at the reach of our fingertips, breaking news and information is more accessible than ever. This also means cat videos, makeup tutorials and memes are also carried in our back...

Editorial: Change in face, not value

Usually, money in the news tells a story of someone receiving a raise or making a sizable deal. The United States Treasury broke that trend by announcing April 20 that abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman will appear on the on the...

Editorial: Keeping ‘green’ constant

Earth Day is all about celebrating the planet we live on and how we need to work to protect it now and in the future. Last Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and Plattsburgh State celebrated and educated the...

Editorial: Media access pending

Cardinal Points was denied media access to presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rally held last Friday, April 15, at the Plattsburgh Crete Center. After following proper procedure in a timely manner to request said access, CP editors’ status is still “pending”...
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