Saturday, March 8, 2025


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PSUC prioritizes lab safety practices

A strict adherence to proper safety procedures keeps faculty prepared for emergencies, so students continue to be safe in Plattsburgh State’s laboratories. University Police reported an incident in which a student got splashed with chemicals in Hudson Hall, and another...

SA deliberates increased fee

The Student Association met this week to continue its discussion on bylaws and to deliberate on a future SA fee that should apply for incoming freshmen and transfer students. The proposal for the new fee still needs to be...

S.B.E. offers job tips

Plattsburgh State students can learn how to become financially successful at the PSUC first-annual leadership summit Saturday, April 2, from noon to 4 p.m. in Ausable Hall. “Marketing Yourself, Beyond the Resume” is a seminar at the event where students...

DeRocher hosts yoga lecture

Plattsburgh State Gender and Women's Studies Lecturer Patricia DeRocher recently travelled to the Govardhan Eco Village, a community that aims to help the environment by sustaining itself, in India, where she underwent a three-week, 200-hour yoga teaching course, which...

Networking opportunity

When looking for a job, genuine enthusiasm can sometimes be the difference between acceptance and denial. The center will host the 40th-annual Now-to-Next Career Fair in the Warren Ballrooms Wednesday, March 30, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. About 77 employers from...

SUNY walks out

Students on various SUNY campuses have been taking action in the hopes that the state will hear their concerns about student debt and tuition increases. In 2011, Gov. Cuomo passed NYSUNY 2020 legislation to implement a “rational tuition plan,”...

SA deliberates GPA bylaw

The Student Association has recently been working to approve the bylaws suggested by the Constitution Legislation Committee. This week, the executive council took a straw poll to determine how each officer felt about a GPA-requirement bylaw that requires all...

Marathon madness

Eleven college teams and four high school teams took part in the fourth-annual Free Enterprise Marathon held at Plattsburgh State. PSUC students Kevin Clayton, John Asare, Ashanti Heyward, Majorie Antoniou and George Grigolava formed the PSUC team at the...

Alumna feet from bomb

“Never came that close to death,” Plattsburgh State alumna Katya Castillo, Class of 2014, wrote on Facebook late Tuesday morning, “or to such a terrible, sad, frightening experience.” Castillo, who is currently a master’s student in Ireland, thought she was...

SA promotes Diversity Week

At Monday’s Student Association Executive Council meeting, SA members took time to promote events being held during Diversity Week and to strategize how to expand diversity at Plattsburgh State. President Michael Kimmer discussed the idea of diversity outreach with...
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