Sunday, March 9, 2025


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Adirondack park faces tough decision

Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Adirondack Park Agency, APA, face a difficult decision in the coming months. Public concern over the classification of recently purchased Boreas Ponds have resulted in a sizeable issue that needs to be solved. In...

Senate approves dining dollars charity

The Student Association Senate has granted the Zeta Kappa chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha with the privilege of fundraising for The Trevor Project during the biannual Dining for Donations event. Of the three potential organizations seeking the philanthropic opportunity, Zeta...

New scholarship opportunity announced

The Plattsburgh State Institutional Advancement Office and Alumni Association Board have developed the James Augustus Wilson Endowment Fund Scholarship to honor the first African American graduate of PSUC and to establish a scholarship to support African American students, while...

PSUC alumnus makes poker world series

Plattsburgh State alumnus Jerry Wong (’11) will be competing in the World Series of Poker as part of the final “November Nine,” Sunday, October 30 and Monday, November 1. Wong will be playing for the title and a prize...

Black poetry celebrated

Plattsburgh State celebrated Black Poetry Day on Thursday to highlight the importance of African American literature. Plattsburgh has been hosting a Black Poetry Day celebration for nearly 35 years. It was originally held in libraries around town and eventually moved...

PSUC holds Teach In

Plattsburgh State hosted its first Teach-In and day of dialogue this Wednesday in an effort to improve race relations and discuss social injustice on a campus-wide platform. The Teach-In was similarly formatted to those of the 1960s. The forums were...

League holds forum

Plattsburgh State’s Honors Program and Center for Public Service teamed up with the League of Women Voters of the North Country to host a candidates forum. The forum, open to the public, featured nominees from Clinton County Board of...

Mayoral debate held in PSUC auditorium

The City of Plattsburgh mayoral debate was held at the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium in Hawkins Hall Wednesday. The challenger, Democratic nominee Colin Read, went up against the incumbent mayor Rep. Jim Calnon in the debate, which was moderated...

SA Senate looks to help hurricane victims

Plattsburgh State student and Haitian native Kira Paulemon approached the Student Association Senate Wednesday night to discuss possible philanthropic methods to provide relief to the disenfranchised populations of Haiti. Senator Zyaijah Nadler lead the conversation within the Senate on how...

Saranac Review celebrates

The Saranac Review, a professional literary journal at Plattsburgh State was created in 2004 out of four writers’ vision to open a space for many diverse voices. The journal features works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry writers from this...
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