Monday, March 10, 2025


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Clinton Dining Hall, Wilson Hall brings modern upgrades

Plattsburgh State has been in a state of remodeling and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Wilson Hall is the most recent project to be completed on campus. Students and parents alike widely approve of the recent...

VA events spark concerns

Last month, the city of Charlottesville was engulfed by violence as white nationalists and counter protesters clashed in one of the bloodiest fights to date over the removal of Confederate monuments across the South, according to the New York...

SA wrap up, advances next semester

As the semester winds downs, the representatives of the Student Assocation look to the future and congratulate each other on the accomplishments of their delegation. No meeting was held this past week, but the representatives continued their work. During the...

PSUC aims to spread Aleppo awareness

The city of Aleppo, one of Middle East’s oldest cities, was once a place of fine culture and Syria’s center of industrial and financial growth with a population of roughly 2.3 million people. Now, and for the last four to...

Wilson to end construction

Construction for Wilson Hall is expected to be done by late July, with plans to open for the fall 2017 semester. The campus has been in the process of renovating the residence hall to add improvements and give it...

BSU helps improves culture, community

Black Onyx is the Black Student Union (BSU), who collaborated with K.I.N.K.S, RADIUS, AL- Arabiyya, S.A.S.A., African Unity, and the Student Association this week for #C4 week. According to Tina Ouedraogo, BSU member, the Challenge College Culture Campaign was created...

SA holds final meeting of semester

The Student Association convened for its final meeting Wednesday night punctuating a fruitful semester. The representatives tied off loose ends in summer budgeting, allocation of funds for clubs, approval of permanent status for others, appointed members to the recently...

Sorority, speaker motivates positive mindset

The Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated - Zeta Kappa Chapter of Plattsburgh State recently hosted an event with special guest Eliana Reyes in the Yokum Lecture Hall. As part of the Zeta Kappa 2nd annual founders week, the...

PSUC addresses excessive food waste

Food waste continues to be a growing problem across the United States. There is roughly 130 million pounds of food wasted each year in the U.S., which amounts to about $160 billion lost in monetary value, according to the...

Event aims to end relationship violence

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is hosting a Yards for Yeardley event in hopes to raise awareness for domestic violence. The event will be held at 101 Broad Street Memorial field and is free and opened to anyone who’s interested...
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