Monday, March 10, 2025


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Newspaper apologizes for offensive cartoon

A picture, it is said, is worth a thousand words. For the front page graphic Cardinal Points ran Oct. 23, a thousand words seem inadequate. No explanation or excuse will be able to take away the pain one mistake has...

Student Association approves Constitution

The Plattsburgh State Student Association Constitution has been approved by the executive council and the student Senate after multiple rounds of revision, and now the document will be presented before PSUC students on the Nov. 10 electoral ballot. Students will...

Faculty Senate responds to CP illustration

Cardinal Points made “an awful mistake” in printing an insensitive graphic on the front page of the Oct. 23 issue, said Jonathan Slater, chair of the Plattsburgh State Department of Journalism and Public Relations, during the SUNY Plattsburgh Faculty...

A message from Cardinal Points editors

Many of you may have seen the illustration on top of the front page of this week’s Cardinal Points, accompanying the article “Minority admission rates examined.” It has come to our attention that the graphic in question not only...

Red Cross offers scholarship for blood drive organization

For Plattsburgh State students trying to make extra cash, students have an opportunity to receive up to $2,500 in scholarship money and a $200 gift card from the Red Cross for hosting a blood drive from Dec. 15 to...

Vandals hinder sidewalk repair

For 12 hours, Alex Longino paced slowly back and forth on Brinkerhoff Street. Donning a tan cowboy hat, thick jacket and neon vest with the words “Luck Bros.” scrawled across the back, Longino kept watch over a newly redone stretch...

UT stages long, hard protest

This past June, Texas legislation passed laws allowing students to carry concealed handguns on college campuses, according to a USA Today article. The students of University of Texas at Austin, however, decided to take a stand. Their protest? More than...

Student Association to hold annual elections

The Plattsburgh State Student Association will hold their annual election Nov. 10. In preparation, the SA will accept petitions from students who wish to run for senator, vice president, executive vice president or president. “If you want to be on the...

Student Association VP announces renovations

At last week’s Student Association executive council meeting, Vice President of Finance Jessica Rappaport announced that a $4,950,677 renovation is in the works for Clinton Dining Hall. Rappaport, as the VP of finance, sits on the College Auxiliary Services Board...

Student condom use plateaus

A Time magazine article reported that among the things the 1990s did better, informing American students about the dangers of unprotected sex was one of them. The article reported that about a decade ago, 60 percent of American students...
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