Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cardinal Sins: Jealousy ends life of Texan mother

By Bryn Fawn

A mother’s love knows no bounds. Mothers are to cook delicious meals, kiss boo-boos and always offer a warm embrace. However, not every person is meant to be a mother.

Taylor Parker wanted to be a mother. Parker sought motherhood so desperately she shed blood for a taste. Her best friend, Reagan Simmons-Hancock, was seven months pregnant with a baby girl, Braxlynn Hancock. 

Parker, 27 at the time, struck in October, 2020. She attacked Simmons-Hancock, 21 at the time, and then used the same blade to slice her friend’s womb open. Parker then removed the unborn child. 

Simmons-Hancock was found mutilated and deceased with her three-year-old daughter alive and alone, in her home in Texas.

Parker was caught speeding down the highway and was pulled over. Parker lied to the police, stating she had given birth on the side of the road and the baby was not breathing. Parker and the child were rushed to a hospital, where the child was pronounced dead on arrival.

The way in which Parker attacked Simmons-Hancock was brutal.

“She slashed her hundreds of times,” said Kelley Crisp, First Bowie County Assistant District Attorney, during closing statements. “She beat her with a hammer. You are going to say she’s not violent? She ripped her uterus out by the back. Look at what she did.”

Parker had lied to her boyfriend for 10 months about being pregnant and forged documents such as ultrasounds to trick him. Parker even threw a gender-reveal party and announced the “good news” on social media.

Emily Simmons, Simmons-Hancock’s younger sister, said in her victim impact statement: “If I visit my sister, I have to go to a graveyard and see a headstone. I will never get a text or phone call from her again.”

Simmons-Hancock’s mother also called Parker an “evil piece of flesh demon” at the trial.

Parker was eligible for capital punishment if the jury could agree. In November of 2022, Parker was sentenced to death, and currently resides on death row. It took the jury only 90 minutes to return with a verdict. 

“It was amazing. She would sit there and have all this information thrown at her, accusations and things said about her that were awful, but she always had a scowl on her face. She didn’t look remorseful,” juror Mike Riley told ABC News.

Parker was fueled by selfish greed and desire. Not only did she steal a daughter away, but she stole a second and a mother. Simmons-Hancock was a young, bright mother who will never get to see her lone surviving daughter grow up into a fine young woman.

Parker will continue to rot on death row until her execution at a later date. She is one of seven women on death row in Texas.

1 Comment

  1. And letting her Rot? It just ain’t good enough.. I can think of several ways to make her suffer and I ask God to forgive me for my evil and visious thoughts.. But that thing was wrong. I do call her that bc a human wouldn’t do that to another human

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