Thursday, March 6, 2025

Cardinal Points: Valuable resource provides opportunity

By Collin Bolebruch


The ultimate privilege of my college career has been serving Cardinal Points. My six semesters with the independent student-run newspaper have taught me just how important the publication is to SUNY Plattsburgh’s campus. I graduate this December, leaving it with some very trusted hands.

Cardinal Points has served the student body for decades, and since 1997, has acted as an independent media organization. Our newspaper is the only way for students to receive unrestricted and relevant news.

In the news section, Cardinal Points publishes weekly coverage of the Student Association. The SA uses student money and makes decisions for the student body. A very small percentage of the student body attends their meetings — it’s our responsibility to inform you on how your money is spent.

In the news section you’ll also find event coverage, issue reporting and features of groups and individuals on campus. Everything in the first few pages is meant to enhance your experience as a student.

In the past, Cardinal Points has challenged SUNY Plattsburgh’s leadership — we’re a tool for you to express yourself.

Any enrolled student can join or contribute to Cardinal Points. The paper does not undergo prior review by a SUNY Plattsburgh staff member. Everything published by our paper is entirely decided by students and there is no school censorship.

Cardinal Points also features student creativity in the arts and culture section. There, you can find theater productions, club highlights, student artist profiles and more. We are the best resource for artist exposure on campus.

I spent most of my career in the sports section. Plattsburgh State supports 18 varsity sports and multiple club teams. The school publishes its own recaps of games and local media sparingly covers Cardinal sports.

Cardinal Points is the lone source for objective sports coverage on campus. The section also publishes regular features and profiles, bringing unknown stories to light.

The final section, opinion, is the best place for students to share their thoughts on topics ranging from hyperlocal to international. Opinion serves as a student loudspeaker and a diverse range of viewpoints are accepted.

Cardinal Points also utilizes the talents of students who have skills such as photography, videography, editing and coding. Cardinal Points is more than a newspaper, and any student can contribute to our student media organization.

As I look for my first post-graduation job, most of my resume is made up of Cardinal Points work. Like any student can, I worked my way through editor positions to become editor in chief. My role and work I’ve published with the paper are attractive to any journalism job.

Cardinal Points has made journalism so fulfilling for me. Through my years covering Cardinal sports, I’ve made hundreds of relationships with sources I’ve interviewed and teams I’ve covered.

Those connections will be not just incredibly valuable in my career but, to me, are a major reason I enjoy the field so much. I’ve made plenty of friends and I still love meeting and learning about new people while telling their stories.

I spent hours and hours in the office every week with the same, small group of editors. I’ve been through so much with my colleagues and have learned so many things about myself and my field because of it. I will always have my fellow Cardinal Pointsers.

The paper has made major strides in the last few semesters, diversifying its coverage, improving its visuals and most importantly — returning to semi-regular print. I am so proud of everything we have accomplished together and it would mean everything to me if you helped it live on so strongly.


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