Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campus Blotter: Crime logs for Oct.28-Nov. 4

  • Oct. 18

Residence Life staff in Wilson Hall reported a loud party to University Police. Six students were referred to Student Conduct for violating housing regulations and possessing alcohol. 

  • Oct. 28

Residence Life staff in Adirondack Hall reported alcohol violations to UP. Four students under the age of 21 were found in possession of alcohol and referred to Student Conduct. 

  • Oct. 29

UP received a report of a party in Macdonough Hall. Five students were referred to Student Conduct for violating COVID-19 masking regulations and possessing alcohol. 

  • Nov. 3

UP received a report of underage drinking in Wilson. Four students were referred to Student Conduct for violating housing regulations and possessing alcohol. 


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