Chris Falborn on the sideline against New Paltz on April 16.
By Collin Bolebruch
Chris Falborn, a midfielder for Plattsburgh State men’s lacrosse, was one of 11 seniors extensively celebrated ahead of the Cardinals’ home finale against Brockport on April 20. Just like his classmates, Chris was greeted by a high-five line of teammates and flowers for his family. Chris leaves Plattsburgh accomplished and appreciated.
Chris was featured by Cardinal Points two weeks ago after his teammates showed extensive support for him and his family after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. He’s very close to his teammates — he and fellow senior Zach Derhak are the masterminds behind Halfway Productions, featured on Plattsburgh State TV.
This question and answer was conducted with Chris over text April 23.

By Collin Bolebruch
Chris in the 2024 season opener against Russell Sage on March 1.
Question: What’s the best part of the creative process when making an episode of Halfway TV?
Answer: The best part of the creative process for me would have to be filming. Once we are on set and rehearsing lines, we get to test what lines sound funnier and sometimes even improv the scene entirely. Whether I’m in front of or behind the camera it’s a great time.

By Collin Bolebruch
Chris standing for the anthem before the game against Oneonta on April 6th.
Q: As a former wrestler, which teammate would be the hardest to pin?
A: Hardest to pin would definitely be John Eisemen. Guy can bench 315 for reps even after months off the gym, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy. Honorable mention would be Zach Derhak. He’s way too primal and feral to take down, we might wipe out most of New York State if we battled.

By Collin Bolebruch
Chris runs down a high five line during the senior day celebrations April 20.
Q: What was your favorite sideline moment this season?
A: My favorite sideline moment from this season was when all the guys celebrated together after a goal and acted like they were rowing in a canoe.
Q: What’s something you’re glad you did before you graduate?
A: I’m glad I was able to learn how to snowboard before I graduate. I had always wanted to learn, but never lived close enough to a ski mountain. With Whiteface close by and a bunch of friends who already knew how, I was able to learn pretty fast.