Sunday, March 9, 2025

Annual party takes new approach

It’s 10 a.m., so I start drinking.

This past weekend was the party students wait for all year. We’ve made it past the cold weeks of winter, and finals are on the way, so we need one last hoorah. It’s time to tap the keg of Rolling Rock and get your buzz on before noon. I’m talking about Plattsvegas.

Plattsvegas is when hundreds of Plattsburgh State students come together to drink alcohol and… well, that’s pretty much it. No hidden meaning. No historical relevance. No celebration of anything really. Just good ol’ fashioned drunkenness.

This year’s Plattsvegas had all the usual suspects — beer games, people passing around blunts, frat boys in jorts, the couple that publicly plays tonsil hockey in front of everybody, the drunk idiot who throws a beer bottle at a cop car and winds up ruining the party, and that one freshman girl who gets way too drunk, vomits at 2 p.m. and then needs a cab to drive her back to Moffitt. You know, the obvious elements of any good Plattsvegas.

The party planners decided to be a little more positive with the festivities this time around. Along with the usual drinking, smoking and loud Rock n’ Roll, Plattsvegas and the two performing bands, Soul Junction and Steve and the Browns, also helped raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Guitarist and lead singer of Soul Junction, Ryan Ackerman, said, “We chose the Alzheimer’s Association because our drummer’s father was diagnosed with it last year, so it really hit close to home with us.” The party and everyone involved managed to raise $110 for the charity.

Something like Plattsvegas can easily be interpreted as a rowdy gathering of intoxicated, immature students where things break and people piss themselves. And to an extent, it’s always going to be that, but this year’s Plattsvegas definitely instilled a little more positivity in the namesake. No fights, few drunken incidents and it was all for a good cause.

Email Griffin Kelly at

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