Sunday, March 9, 2025

Plattsburgh now a bronze certified climate-smart community


By Courtney Meisenheimer

The City of Plattsburgh proudly announces that it has been awarded Bronze Certification by the New York State Climate Smart Community program, a landmark achievement. This status  was gained Oct. 2, with an official announcement by Governor Kathy Hochul. 

The esteemed recognition signifies the city’s unwavering commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency and a greener future since it adopted the CSC pledge in 2019 and appointed a Climate Task Force to advise the City of CSC initiatives and climate-related issues. The City is one of only 121 other New York State Communities to have achieved this status since the CSC program began in 2009. Of those 121 communities, five are North Country communities: Village of Saranac Lake, Potsdam, Lake Placid, Town of Potsdam and Town of Lewis. 

NYS’ Climate Smart Community program aims to empower local governments across the state to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. Plattsburgh’s induction into this esteemed community showcases its dedication to becoming a trailblazer in the field of sustainable urban development. To qualify for the Bronze status, the City with the help of its Climate Task Force and its CSC Regional Coordinator Carlie Leary provided evidence of the completion of 19 actions across nine different categories for a total of 144 points. This achievement follows the designation that the City of Plattsburgh received in June of becoming a NYSERDA Clean Energy Community.

Mayor Chris Rosenquest said, “We are proud of this designation and will continue to find ways to reduce our environmental impact in the City of Plattsburgh”. 

This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of the Plattsburgh Climate Task Force. The committee chaired by former City Councilor, Rachelle Armstrong has been leading the City through the process of becoming a Climate Smart Community since June 6, 2019. 

“Receiving CSC Bronze Certification is the result of collaboration between city government, staff, the task force and the community. Recertification and achieving the next level of CSC certification, Silver, will require that all stakeholders strengthen their commitment to meet the urgent challenge that climate change presents,” said Carlie Leary, ANCA Climate Smart Communities Coordinator. 

The City of Plattsburgh extends its sincere gratitude to NYSDEC for recognizing its efforts and looks forward to completing additional CSC actions. As it continues on this mission, it will look for opportunities to collaborate with the residential community, businesses, and other stakeholders to help combat climate change. 


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