Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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Enjoy smaller things in life

Two weeks ago, I went to Walgreens and bought laundry detergent. When I returned to my off-campus house and started putting my clothes into the washer, I had never been more excited to do laundry in my life. Why?...

Odd names, hidden lessons

The sitcom “Community” is a cult classic about community college students in the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado. Part of the sitcom’s charm and humor comes from the ridiculous classes available at Greendale Community College, which include History of...

Public nudity allows blissful escape

Usually when you see a naked person, you get taken aback. You think it’s funny, and you’re a little weirded out by their bare flesh. Nipples and genitals exposed for the entire world to see — it’s a vulnerable...

Students weigh in on texting

In today’s technological era, people are more connected than ever before. Texting has become a norm in the realm of multitasking. According to a study of over 150 college-aged students, more than 100 text messages are sent and received...

PSUC hosts experimental play

“She Took His Head Away” is an experimental play coming to Plattsburgh State thanks to the collaboration between Alpha Delta Phi Society and the English department being performed by the theater company Strange Harbor. Strange Harbor’s purpose is...

Cardinal Points according to the Burekrat

So this is it. This is the last Burekrat column I will be publishing as opinions editor for Cardinal Points. The word that most think of is “bittersweet,” and I hate to use that word because it’s so cliché, but...

Alone, dry, free to fly

It’s been nearly six months. Six months since I last had sex. That may not sound like a lot to some, but it’s a while to me. It’s double what I’ve done in the past. Yup, before this, the longest...

Building relationships important for success

I’ve written some tough stories before, stories where I’ve had to pour through endless notes and interviews and pump out 600 words within an hour. But this one, a goodbye column with me as the only source, may very...

Take advantage of all opportunities available

From a college student who wanted to cover baseball to honorable mention in photography from the New York Press Association, my time here at Cardinal Points has been life -changing. When I joined Cardinal Points, I joined as...

Team finds silver lining

At some point in their career, Little League baseball players will hear the phrase, “It’s the little things that matter.” For the Plattsburgh State Cardinals, it is those “little things” that they will focus on this offseason. Unfortunately, this...
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