Friday, October 18, 2024


To submit a letter to the editor, please visit submit a letter page. 

Journalism experiences helped editor find self

When I first joined the paper, I had no idea what I was doing. I joined because my adviser told me I needed to join the newspaper, print magazine or online magazine. My first semester after deciding to join Cardinal...

Veteran editor looks back on long career

When it comes to the end, where do I start? With a week to go in my career at Plattsburgh State, it’s pretty surreal. Four years of college have flown by, but Cardinal Points has truly defined my experience here. After...

College process helps form bonds, students grow up

“What brings you all the way to Plattsburgh?” The question that almost always follows after, “Where are you from?” ever since I was a freshman. Coming to Plattsburgh from Brooklyn four years ago was a bit of a...

Graduation time to reflect, be grateful for memories

When I sat down in the Yokum lecture hall for my first Cardinal Points critique, I thought right there that I wouldn’t be sticking with it long. The meetings were long, the editors were unapproachable and slightly aggressive, the...

Plattsburgh State opportunities shape experiences

I hate goodbyes. I avoid them at all costs — not only because they’re sad, but because there’s always the chance for the past to resurface. So I tend to leave things over unofficially, in case I need to...

New apps replace need for personal trainers

Are you struggling to lose weight? Looking for a new way to reach your fitness goals? Well, smartphones aren’t called smart for nothing. The 21st century brings new fitness applications that will help you achieve your fitness goals. Getting fit...

Editorial: What to do after school

In an economy where the job market is considerably more competitive than ever before, it is integral for colleges and universities to prepare their graduates to enter the workforce. Cardinal Points staff writer Tim Lyman reported this week that “Students...

Editorial: Freedoms worth the fight

Sometimes it takes tragedy to remind us of what’s important. This week in Cardinal Points, news editor Maggie McVey wrote about Plattsburgh student Nicole Sarai’s experience as she witnessed first-hand the terrorist attacks that occurred Jan. 7 against satirical magazine...

Editorial: SUNY unaware of needs

Recently, SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher has been at the center of some controversial news regarding her annual pay. After CUNY Chancellor James Milliken assumed his post in June to the tune of $670,000, the SUNY Board of Trustees acted...

Letter to the editor: PSUC students show initiative, remove posters

Last week, we were shocked to learn that someone felt the need to post signs in the college center downplaying sexual violence, displaying lines such as “don’t be that girl” with regards to rape. Originally, we thought responding to such...
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