I rode in the backseat of my friend’s car on the way to SUNY Cortland, crushed up against the car door like an accordion because we attempted to pack five people into a Ford Focus. My phone buzzed at...
My stomach has ceased its flip-flopping, at least for now. Staring down the curve ahead, I close my eyes, inhale deeply and listen for the starter.
“Runners, on your mark…”
I carry out my starting-line routine. Always three tuck jumps....
Last week Plattsburgh State got uncomfortable, and the plan for the future is to stay uncomfortable.
In an open discussion with President John Ettling and other faculty members Wednesday night, PSUC students were assured changes will be made in the...
What takes only a few minutes of your time and could improve all areas of your life immensely? Is it a morning stretch, a talk with an old friend or even finding a penny heads-side up on the ground...
Many news releases in Oregon linked forty recent E.coli cases to Mexican restaurant chain Chipotle. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) said Washington health representatives as well as the OHA are currently investigating the E.coli outbreak.
Fortunately for Plattsburgh Chipotle lovers,...
Xenophobia is the irrational sensation or fear because of a person, group of people or situation perceived as strange or foreign. It’s the fear of anything beyond your comfort zone. Going outside of your comfort zone is obviously challenging,...
Masculinity is often described as having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, such as strength and boldness, but what if a man didn’t have the traditional qualities that are attributed to being male? Are they still masculine? I would think...
“How do you feel about living off campus?” my suite-mate, Hayley, asked me as I washed my hands with soap I didn’t buy, under the light of electricity I wasn’t paying for.
I didn’t really know what to say....
A stigma exists that if a man does anything outside the realm of masculinity, then he is weak or less than.
That’s not only offensive to men but to women as well. Drinking sugary cocktails, shaving your legs and...
In the Oct. 23 issue of Cardinal Points, we published an offensive graphic on the front cover that depicted a black graduate in a rundown neighborhood. Windows were broken and boarded up, graffiti caked the walls of buildings and...