Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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Please put down the pen, Penn

If you had an opportunity to sit face-to-face with the most wanted man in the world, and pick his brain, would you take it? If you’re a reporter and have the roving soul of a journalist, you may leap...

Hats, gloves, scarves not required

The change from summer to fall was easy to feel. Goodbye sandals, hello riding boots. The transition to winter was a little challenging to pick up on this year. At times, it seemed as though Mother Nature couldn’t decide...

Saying goodbye to the one you admire most

My cousin Kiersten and I have always been extremely close. We grew up in a huge, Irish family, but we’ve always stayed tight. One day, years ago, we were playing Taboo, the game where you have to explain as...

Volume shouldn’t go higher than 11

You’re walking down the sidewalk to class and feeling good. The sun is out, and it’s unseasonably warm for November. You just aced that test, so you deserve a victory song as you walk down Rugar back to your...

The end of a beautiful friendship

When I was a kid and my parents would serve me dinner, I’d always wind up stuffing more food in my mouth than I could swallow. I’d divide up the saliva-drenched sustenance into two parts — half for chewing...

I won’t grow up: Peter Pan syndrome

A lot of college kids make the joke that they’re really a kid inside. Many of us still play video games or have a guilty pleasure, like Pokémon or a cartoon series geared towards a younger audience. In small...

Read; knowledge is power

College students are busy people, and between class, studying and other obligations, they want to spend their down time doing anything besides school work. Everyone loves catching up on sleep, television and just lounging around, but sometimes these end...

Safety check app for terrorist attacks

There’s a feature on Facebook not many people are aware of. The only way you would have used it is if you are near an area experiencing a natural disaster. This feature is called “Safety Check” and it’s a...

Concerned LGBT faculty member

SUNY Plattsburgh has a new Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. J.W. Wiley. I would like to detail an interaction I had with this individual. Several months ago, I was speaking with Dr. Wiley regarding some of my experiences as an out...

AAP calls for more laws on smoking

The American Academy of Pediatrics has released new statements about tobacco and e-cigarettes Oct. 26, urging the government to change the age of sale to 21 nationwide. These statements outline public policy changes, clinical guidance for physicians to...
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