Wednesday, March 12, 2025


To submit a letter to the editor, please visit submit a letter page. 

Art should stay separate

Art is for the mind, body and soul. Art is for expression, for release. It is to relieve stress or showcase talent. To first think about what art is, most would probably first think of tangible pieces that people create...

Letter to the Editor: Faculty responds to ‘easy’ classes

In “Easy: PSUC students must choose fate” (Feb.12), Julia Overton-Healy remarks that employers look for communication skills, such as “writing, public speaking, sitting across the table from each other and making eye contact. Employers want communication skills and you...

Make push for more girls in tech

For some reason, at the beginning of time it was decided that men were the dominant gender, and it wasn’t a woman’s responsibility to get an education. Women have been told what they should and shouldn’t do for far...

Editorial: Never change yourself for others

We like to think that our generation is the most accepting of human differences in history, thus far. Being inclusive is a goal of the Cardinal Points editorial board — to make everyone feel as though they are represented...

Making healthy choices, easy as pie

Those of us who live off-campus or don’t have a meal plan make executive decisions every week at the grocery store. Processed or organic? Run-of-the-mill Walmart-brand eggs or grass-fed chicken, cage-free eggs? Fresh farmer’s market vegetables or a box of...

New treatment for patients waiting patiently

A drug that has been referred to as a “club drug” now has the potential to help millions of people who suffer from severe depression and have seen little to no improvement from using other medications. Ketamine infusion therapy is...

Photos serve new purpose in modern age

Some say the value of a photograph has lost its touch in the modern age, and now a photograph is unable to express the deep meaning that it used to hold. I disagree. There’s a picture that was taken...

To take charge or a step back

There are two kinds of people in this world: collaborators and competitors. There are two different approaches to do homework assignments, projects, jobs and other tasks that we can encounter during our day-to-day lives. I think there’s a clear divide...

Editorial: Actor tries to be journalist

As editors of Cardinal Points, journalism is obviously a huge part of our lives. It consumes us and everything we do. It is something that we have been practicing since we declared our major, or before. We are developing...

Opportunities around every corner

Wow, it’s already a new year. Crazy, isn’t it? We make such a big production of New Year’s Eve, from how wasted we plan to get, what party we have to go to or whom we spend it with....
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