With the 86 pieces I’ve written for Cardinal Points over the past two years at an estimated word count of 625 per article or column, I have written about 53,750 words for this newspaper.
Despite that, I can’t find...
College is supposed to teach you so many things throughout the years, like how to get away with skipping laundry day, how many hours it actually takes to write a ten page paper and how many days a week...
Usually, money in the news tells a story of someone receiving a raise or making a sizable deal.
The United States Treasury broke that trend by announcing April 20 that abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman will appear on the on the...
After only a year on Cardinal Points, I’ve grown so close to this special group of people. In just my second semester on the paper, I got the call to be the graphics editor. I had to spend...
The semester is coming to an end, and that means a lot of things will be changing for students of all ages. Many people say the only thing in life that’s constant is change and that’s too true. You...
As I sat down to write this letter, I thought of all of the ways that I could talk about consent: the posters we have on campus, the presentations that have been provided, the emails I’ve sent and...
About seven years ago, my father was diagnosed with clinical depression. I was a sophomore in high school with absolutely no idea exactly what that entailed. My family and I were devastated to hear that he had been silently...
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich’s response to a St. Lawrence University student’s question about sexual assault in Canton, New York, landed him in pretty hot water during a town hall broadcast on his Facebook page April 15. Viewers reacted...
Long-distance relationships are challenging, and before smartphones, they were even more difficult. I know this quite well, as do many college students. I’ve been in a long-distance relationship since September 2015, and it’s my longest relationship to date.