Tuesday, March 18, 2025


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Riverdale: Not just another teenager show

“Riverdale” is the CW Network’s newest hit show. If you’re looking for something that has “Pretty Little Liars” and “13 Reasons Why” vibes, then this show is perfect for you. “Riverdale” was created after the popular comic, “Archie.” The suspenseful...

How to pick the perfect schedule

With advising coming to a close, now is the perfect time to start planning how you want your schedule to be. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to making a schedule. Factors such as...

Resolution, revision bring change

The resolutions discussed at this week’s Student Association Senate meeting were good examples of real results starting to come from student action. Following the student protests after the racist Snapchat incident last February, much possible change has been discussed with...

Greeks versus non-Greeks?

Greek life is a huge part of the culture of many colleges, including at Plattsburgh State. There are 11 sororities and 12 fraternities in total on campus. I joined my sorority in my second semester of freshman year. I can’t...

Stop being lazy, overcome procrastination

When spring finally arrives, it can be hard to find the motivation to finish your homework. All you want to do is go outside and enjoy the nice weather. With midterms ending it is time to start thinking about...

How to pull off April Fools’ jokes

With April Fools’ Day right around the corner, who doesn’t want to successfully pull off the funniest jokes? Having one day of the year when you’re allowed to be a prankster without any serious consequences should be a day...

Students deal with homesickness

For most prospective students, going to college means stepping out into the world on their own for the first time, which also means it’s the first time they might experience homesickness. Homesickness “is the longing for home or family while...

Plattsburgh marches for change

The town of Plattsburgh and Plattsburgh State rallied together during the We Walk Together and March for Our Lives events that took place last Thursday and Saturday, respectively, to remind onlookers what can happen when the local and...

Woman kicked off flight over period pain

In 2017, a man was dragged off of an airline and in 2018, a woman was kicked off a plane for menstrual cramps, and a puppy was forced into an overhead compartment resulting in his death. With the 2017 United...

Parkland students inspire change

America seems to be stuck in a cycle. Colombine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook and most recently Las Vegas, Marshall County and Parkland are all among an ever-increasing long list of mass shootings in American History. The repetition of these events...
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