Monday, March 10, 2025


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Exaggerated, extravagant and unexpected at the Grammys

By Christian Tufino Known for its stunning and outlandish fashion, music artists gather annually at the Grammy Awards to showcase their best looks. In light of the recent fires in Los Angeles it would be understandable if the celebrities arrived at...

Women in STEM still face stigma

By Nadia Paschal   For several years, there’s been efforts to get women into science, technology, engineering and math careers —  commonly known as STEM. Despite this push to create more welcoming environments for women within these professions, there still seems...

Spotify ends year on bad note

By Nadia Paschal   This week marked the most exciting point of the year for all music lovers —- the release of Spotify Wrapped and Apple Music Replay. For the past few weeks, people have been anxiously waiting to see who...

Opinion editor finds voice through writing

By Nadia Paschal   There are two major life lessons that I learned during my time here in Plattsburgh. The first being that things don’t always turn out the way you expected. The second is that when that happens, it’s OK.  I...

News editor excitedly searches for next story

By Aleksandra Sidorova   For the past seven semesters, it has been my duty to share news with this campus. You’ve probably already read through the section I’ve run for four semesters, but here goes one last piece of news: My...

Cardinal Points: Valuable resource provides opportunity

By Collin Bolebruch   The ultimate privilege of my college career has been serving Cardinal Points. My six semesters with the independent student-run newspaper have taught me just how important the publication is to SUNY Plattsburgh’s campus. I graduate this December,...

Winter ins and outs

By Nadia Paschal   Hi! I’m Nadia Paschal, opinion editor.    Winter is right around the corner, and I love the cozy feeling and nostalgia that’s in the air this time of year. Here’s some trends I think are cool and others I’m...

Student musician lists ‘24 top albums

By Logan Toleman   As 2024 wraps itself up in a neat little bow and the music industry slows down heading into December, I started to reflect on the bizarre landscape that the music scene has brought.  Many artists committed themselves to...

Reality TV glorifies fame, beauty standards

By Lillian Murray   Growing up, I had always enjoyed watching reality television shows such as Jersey Shore and America’s Next Top Model. I was drawn to shows that seemed authentic and real rather than the scripted shows on Nickelodeon and...

Loss of hope after election is not an option

By Nadia Paschal   It’s been two weeks since the presidential election, and emotions are still high. Tension, fear, disappointment, anger and sadness are rampant across the nation but the dust is slowly beginning to settle.  The future of our nation seems...
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