Saturday, March 8, 2025

Arts & Culture

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DIG: Find peace through gardening

The Food Group Club partnered with Plattsburgh State campus dining to host an event that teaches students about the world of gardening Feb. 13. The Food Group Club aims to make students aware about what they eat. The club...

Better results after repeating information

There may be a better way to retain information other than cramming study time and forcing memorization of large amounts of information in a short period of time. It is now week five of classes, and class work has...

Psychedelic drugs tested as medication

When taking a psychedelic drug, people often say they find extraordinary meaning and significance in mundane objects. This quality makes the drug LSD an eligible subject of study when trying to discover what parts of the brain are responsible...

Vagina Monologues spark discussion

Plattsburgh State’s Center for Womyn’s Concerns hosted The Vagina Monologues Feb. 11, in the Warren Ballrooms at Angell College Center. The Vagina Monologues is an annual campaign conducted around the world by volunteers and college students to raise awareness...

Greek life involvement worthwhile

Plattsburgh State junior Julissa Vera has always had a passion for philanthropy. When she was in fifth grade, her school did a musical during April, which is Child Abuse Awareness Month. She said her class had to do extensive...

SWEAT: Intense training proves useful

With a full load of academics, social life, work, family and many other obligations, the last thing on a college student’s mind is working out. When the new year approached, a lot of students were striving to get the “perfect...

Physical activity leads to positive feelings

College students are often torn between doing what’s good for themselves and doing what’s enjoyable. Sometimes that means eating fried chicken and french fries instead of grilled chicken and broccoli. It can also mean staying in bed all day...

Garrigan encourages involvement

Casey Garrigan, a junior geology major at PSUC, exhibits an enthusiastic personality, which many of her peers and teachers recognize. Garrigan is a CA, or community advocate, for first year students residing in Moffitt Hall. Her purpose is to serve...

Immigration reform worries students

American universities are trying to protect their undocumented college students from President Donald Trump’s recent immigration reforms. Since the official inauguration of Trump, he has been working to remodel America to what he sees as fit. This includes signing an...

FEAR: Anxiety, doubt clouds judgment

Everybody has to make decisions while feeling fear and anxiety. But the fact is, 60 percent of what people fear will never happen, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Most fears are not justified or rational. However,...
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