Saturday, March 8, 2025

Arts & Culture

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Creative Writer’s Guild writes to inspire

To write is to write, write and rewrite, but no one should do it alone. Plattsburgh State’s Creative Writer’s Guild has created a safe space on campus for any student who enjoys expressing themselves through a love of the...

Corrigan looks for opportunities

Majoring in gender and women's studies and political science and minoring in social justice, public relations, interlegal studies and math, Plattsburgh State senior Meghan Corrigan has a broad spectrum of interests to consider when stepping out of college into...

PSUC French Club embraces culture, teaches language

Bonjour et bienvenue au club de français. At Plattsburgh State, the French Club continues to educate and inspire students about the French language and culture.  Junior nursing major Ralph Cordeau is the president of the French Club and has been...

‘Vagina Monologues’ empowers women

Vagina.  It’s a word hidden by society. It is ignored, swept under the rug and replaced with “PG” terms. However, Monday at 7 p.m. in the Warren Ballrooms, “The Vagina Monologues” celebrated the word and all that is associated with...

SMX showcases, evolves with dance

Steps Made Xcellent members, along with guest organizations, told the story of two feuding dance groups at SMX Evolution, its second annual showcase March 30 in Giltz Auditorium in Hawkins Hall at Plattsburgh State. The event told the story of...

Student Night of One Acts shines

There were five rows, two spotlights and one camera center-stage. “Come As You Are” by Nirvana played on the speakers encompassing the Black Box as the College Theatre Association’s Student Night of One Acts, or SNOOA, began at Plattsburgh...

Smirnova stands out, prepares for future

Imagine taking 27 credits in one semester. Senior finance and economic major Nadya Smirnova did just this and still managed to keep a 4.0 GPA. Smirnova­­, who is originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, is an international student who currently attends...

Mailing subscription boxes attract, amaze PSUC students

Outside of the hustle and bustle of busy boutiques and malls are the online stores. Exclusive discounts, surprise sales and show-window gazes can be experienced on your computer screen and mailed to your door once a month every month...

Costume designer retires after 23 years

In the basement of Myers Fine Arts, room 19 is the costume shop. It’s the same room where Marie Barber stitched, sewed, hemmed and mended costumes for the Plattsburgh State Theatre Department for the last 23 years. Now, she’s...

Software Engineering Club teaches new skills, forms friendships in computer

In order to foster a love for technology and passion for computers, Plattsburgh State’s Software Engineering Club wants to spread awareness, increase its numbers and educate fellow students about job opportunities in the field after graduation. Senior computer security major...
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